Prepping your hair and skin the day before your wedding
Listen—I know there’s already so much to think about for your wedding, and the last thing you want to worry about is if you need to wash your hair 1, 2, or 3 days before your wedding, with or without conditioner, with product or no products, is dirty or clean best, should I wash my face and moisturize, or leave it alone? At this point, after all those questions you’ll likely want to consider shavIng your head instead, and forget a beauty routine all together—Let’s not do that. Instead, I’ve listed some easy pointers to help you prep your hair and skin for flawless make up, and a hairstyle that last all day.
Prepping your hair
If your hair is oily (like wash you hair in the evening and it’s oily by the A.M. type of oily), then you’ll want to to have clean, dry hair for the day of your wedding. Wash and dry the-morning-of with a normal shampoo and only condition the very tips of your hair to smooth the ends. If your shampoo is moisturizing—do not condition. No product in your hair is best.
If your hair is on the thicker side and you can go a few days without washing, then second day hair is typically best. Wash your hair the day prior, in the A.M., and blow dry to smooth out the ends and add lift to the root of the hair. If needed, add a serum to just the ends of the hair.
The less product in your hair the better!
Try not to throw your hair in a bun on the day of to avoid weird cowlicks and kinks in the hair.
If your hairstyle is very full and has lots of volume, then consider your hair and its own volume on a regular basis—do you need extensions to create your desired look? Keep these thoughts in mind when choosing a hairstyle. If your hair is thinner or on the shorter side, then you may be limited to certain styles if you choose not to add in extensions. Amazon sells some great human hair options for all types of hair colors!
Here’s an amazon list of my favorite bridal accessories
Prepping your skin
CLEANSE YOUR SKIN THE NIGHT BEFORE YOUR WEDDING— no exceptions—even if you’re drunk. Get all that mascara off, all the foundation, the food and alcohol from the rehearsal dinner, and definitely all the lipstick. Your skin needs to breathe the night prior to be able to fully glow. Plus, not washing our face may result in a new friend that might appear right in the middle of your forehead just to say hello for your big day—eww, right? Try Milky Jelly cleanser by Gossier
The morning of cleanse again
Exfoliate with a gentle exfoliant right after you cleanse
Try Stone Crop Fizzafoliant by Eminence
Mask for a few minutes after exfoliating with either a hydrating mask if you’re dry, or a clay based mask if your oily.
Try Watermlon Glow sleeping mask (sleep in it or use for a few mins)
Eye cream- if you don’t wear it any other day—today is the day! Eye creams keep your concealer from getting fine lines from dehydration and lets be honest— all lot of you (not all, but most) ladies will be sipping on champagne, or some other delectable adult wedding beverage which will dehydrate you. .
Try Auto Correct by Sunday Riley.
Seal it all in with a moisturizer that isn’t too heavy, yet really sinks into the skin and hydrates. My favorite is Tidal by Sunday Riley
DRINK WATER— I’ve said it before, and i’ll say it again. Water will directly change your skin from a parched peach to a glowing glass skinned beauty. If you never drink is the time to start! At least the week before your wedding, and if nothing else, the day before, drink as much as you can. Your make up, skin, body, brain, and I will thank you!